In this paper an attempt to estimate the influence of the relief on the selected physical soil properties from the edge zone of the Carpathian Foothills has been presented.Differentiation of water-air properties related to the location on the slope was evaluated.It results from, both, the main soil forming process-lessivage, erosion and accumulative changes in the morphology of the soil profile.Soils lessives situated on tops and slopes less prone to erosion are characterised by deeper eluvial horizons - luvic with a higher total porosity and water retention in comparison to illuvial horizons - argillic. Eroded lessivé soils occur on the slopes prone to erosion with the argillic horizon outeropped to the surface which determins their properties in the whole soil profile, first of all, their porosity is low and they have a limited capacity for water retention. Gley soils occur in the valley bottoms and synclines of slopes. They arc characterised by higher total porosity and retention in the whole profile in comparison to the lessivé soils.