Gwiazdosz bury należy do bardzo rzadkich składników mikobioty w Polsce. Do tej pory jedyne stanowisko tego gatunku było znane z Roztocza. Drugie stanowisko w Polsce zostało znalezione w 2004 roku w Kielcach (50°51’15’’ N, 20°34’57’’ E, kwadrat ATPOL Ee 74). Geastrum elegans rozwinęło grzybnię i owocniki w młodym lesie sosnowym pochodzenia antropogenicznego, na suchej, piaszczystej glebie wykształconej na podłożu wapiennym
Geastrum elegans belongs to very rare elements of Polish mycobiota. Until now it was know from only one locality on the Roztocze Upland. A new site of Geastrum elegans was found by the first author in October 2004 in Kielce, and it successively observed every year since. In 2004 near Biesak street (50°51’15’’ N, 20°34’54’’ E; square ATPOL Ee 74; Fig. 3), 20 Geastrum elegans fruit bodies were found. In the years 2005 – 2007 the fungus was again observed in the same place, but the number of fruit bodies was considerably lower and it ranged from one to four. The site is situated in the planting of young Scottish pine forest. The soil there is sandy developed on the limestone substratum