Jakościowo nowe uwarunkowania rozwoju Polski w XXI wieku wskazują na konieczność formułowania nowej strategii zagospodarowania Wisły. Jej wyznacznikiem powinna stać się filozofia ekorozwoju, która określa sposób gospodarowania unikatowymi zasobami i walorami Wisły wraz z jej zapleczem funkcjonalnym- przyrodniczym (dorzecze Wisły) i społeczno-gospodarczym (ekoregion Wisły). Determinuje ona nową strukturę jej funkcji w kraju oraz wyznacza system strategicznych celów zagospodarowania rzeki i jej ekoregionu. Oznacza to, że zasoby wodne Wisły i jej ekoregionu powinny w maksymalnym stopniu uczestniczyć w rozwiązywaniu problemu narastającego deficytu wody, a jej sieć hydrograficzna tworzyć krgosłup systemu ekologicznego kraju. Integralnym ogniwem tej strategii powinna być koncepcja zagospodarowania Dolnej Wisły.
A new strategic situation of Poland in the 21st century is created by the increasing water deficit. It results from both the limited resources and the extensive and irrational use of it. It does not provide any opportunities for satisfying the needs of the population and the national economy. The Vistula and is catchment area can play a crucial role in solving this problem on the condition of an essential change in the strategy for their development. It requires the introduction of a new system of water management throughout the country. The implomentation of this strategy depends on the adoption of the principle of sustainable development, which increasingly is recognized as the supreme idea of the socioeconomic and physical development of the country in the 21st century. The conditions for its broader and broader implementation will have come about even by the end of this century. On this assumption, this article contains a methodologically ordered thought sequence, in which: - the concept of the Vistula ecoregion as the main assumption of this strategy is an effect of the adoption of the idea of sustainable development as the leading one. The characterization of its functional and physical structure delineates the elements which change most slowly and the linkages which must be considered in a long-term strategy for the development of the Vistula; - the basic assumptions of the environmentally friendly strategy for the development of the Vistula are determined by both its conditions and premises relating to the idea of sustainable development as well as the predictions of the most likely growth of the country at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. So are the strategic objectives which go along with them, the essential principles and directions of shaping the development policy for the Vistula ecoregion. - the need arises for a methodological concept of the work on the programme. Its purpose would be to formulate the State policy which would control the environmentally conditioned development of the Vistula ecoregion in connection with the overall processes of the country's growth.