Poultry scientists are faced with new goals and challenges as a result of increased worldwide demand for poultry products. Increased demand for commercial feeds which contain no antibiotics, hormone growth stimulators or animal protein will increase the demand for cereals, seeds of oil-nutrition plants and poultry products for human. Similar to the 50 years, improvements in poultry production efficiency will entail further radical changes in poultry production technologies, which should encompass 50% of the world population instead of 20-25% so far. It is expected that the advances in poultry genetics, molecular biotechnology, nutrition, health, reproduction and keeping methods will be more efficiently implemented in practical breeding. The efficiency of extensive, small-scale poultry production should improve especially in the area inhabited by 25% of the world population, in the past century unable to realize the need for eggs and poultry meat obtained with the use of advanced technologies. Research into methods of genetic improvement of the poultry on one hand and into conserving the biodiversity of native genetic stocks on the other, will be intensified to take full advantage of the genetic potential of various poultry species and types of utilization. Poultry will increasingly serve as animal models to study genetic, physiological and health disorders in human and as bio-generators for production of specific protein, enzymes etc. The goals and challenges facing poultry scientists will be met if large- and small-scale commercial poultry producers will apply the latest advances in practice and assign a part of their profits to research.