The aim of this study was to determine the influence on Salmonella of different citric acid concentrations in microbiological media and on turkey carcass elements. The average bacteria counts in the control samples without citric acid were: 1.8 × 10⁸ cfu/ml, 1.1 × 10⁸ cfu/ml and 2.0 × 10⁸ cfu/ml, for S. Enteritidis, S. Anatum and S. Typhimurium, respectively. Citric acid at a 0.1 concentration in an agar media base completely inhibited the growth of all the Salmonella spp. that were studied. The results obtained after immersing turkey carcass elements in citric acid clearly indicated that detecting salmonella spp. in the samples was dependent on the inoculum of these bacteria on the poultry carcass surface. When contaminating 10 cfu/mlof Salmonella spp. on the surface of a turkey carcass element and immersing it in water solutions of 1% and 2% citric acid for 15 minutes, no Salmonella spp. were found. After contaminating 10² cfu/ml of Salmonella Enteritidis on the surface of a turkey carcass section and immersing it in a water solution of 1% and 2% citric acid the number of samples in which Salmonella spp. were found decreased in comparison with the number of control samples. After contaminating 10³ cfu/ml of the surface of the turkey carcass and immersing it in 1% and 2% citric acid no effect on Salmonella spp. delectability was found.