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2004 | 51 Supplement |

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Health condition of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. stands in the Beskid Mts


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The health condition of spruce stands in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids is affected by several predisposition factors, the most important of which is the allochthonous character of spruce grown on improper sites. When exposed to a low supply of nutrients and intensive mechanical damage mainly by game, the trees are susceptible to rot infestations, climatic agents and mechanical destruction by snow, hard rime and wind. At present, air pollution does not show any significant impact on the spruce stands; it rather acts as a less important predisposition factor on mountain peaks. The physiological condition of trees is not impaired to the extent which would facilitate infestation with phytophagous or cambioxylophagous insects.





Opis fizyczny



  • Research Institute of Forestry and Game Management, Nadrazni 2811, 738 01 Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic


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