One of the major issues that Poland faces today, while making efforts to become a member of the European Community, is the acreage of farmland that requires restructuring. The experience of other countries - members of the European Community shows that a major legal instrument stimulating transformations in the acreage of farmland, is lease of land. At present, the lease of land is considered a basic legal institution of ownership changes. At the same time, however, the present legal structure of lease of land contracts does not meet the requirements of modern agriculture. For this reason, the existing model has tobe modified and up-dated. It is suggested that new legal solutions be based on separate legal regulations solely for the lease of land, which should provide stable regulations and restraints of lessor-lessee relationships. Tue up-dated lease of land model should be based on the experience and legislature of other countries, members of the European Community, and Polish experience of the Agricultural Ownership Agency of the State Treasury.