Bryophytes of parks and cemeteries of Cracow. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 11(2): 337–353. Kraków. PL ISSN 1640-629X. ABSTRACT: The paper presents a list of stations of 82 bryophyte species found in 15 town parks and 9 cemeteries situated within administrative borders of Cracow, with short descriptions of colonized substrata and relative frequency in both biotope types. Worthy to mention is occurrence of neophyte liverwort Lunularia cruciata in one park and one cemetery as well as some calciphilous mosses not reported so far from Polish cities and towns: Mnium stellare, Encalypta streptocarpa and Fissidens cristatus var. mucronatus. Species richness and composition of the individual sites studied bryofloras are compared to define factors influencing bryophyte species richness in these biotope types.