In this necessarily short review several physiological mechanisms influencing daily food intake have been presented. In the postabsorptive state the feeling of hunger is developing in our central nervous system, what stimulates the voluntary food intake. As it has been mentioned, all information coming to the hypothalamus from the digestive tract on the filling of the stomach and intestine and from the blood on the concentration of several metabolites, hormones and neurotransmitters, are integrated and coordinated there and adequate stimuli are going out for stopping the eating; some postprandial state characterizing the satiation is developing then. If the food intake is slightly higher than the daily energy expenditure, the metabolic rate is accelerated and heat losses from the body are augmented, what is possible by the stimulation of oxidation processes in the brown adipose tissue. As a result of an integration of all these mechanisms, the body weight of an adult man can be maintained at the same level during many years.