The study examines the physical and chemical description of magnesium alginate obtained from the brown alga Cystoseira barbata, existing in the coastal area of the Black Sea. We have separated a magnesium alginate by a specific method, which involves the precipitation of the alginate with an alcohol solution of magnesium chloride. The study is focused on three directions: determining the concentration of certain metals, confirming the structure of the alginate type through IR spectral analysis and the examination of the ratio of fixation of magnesium on the alginate. Results confirmed the alginate type structure as well as the presence of certain metals, among which Fe, Cd, Mn, which are to be found in the alga. The presence of Mg is to be noticed, which was fixed on the alginate during the process of obtaining the alginates. The magnesium was fixed in the ratio approximately 80% from the added magnesium quantity in the phase of precipitation of the magnesium alginate.