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Poziom bialka calkowitego oraz aktywnosci wybranych enzymow w hemolimfie Lymnaea stagnalis [L.] [Gastropoda: Pulmonata] naturalnie zagrozonych przez larwy przywr digenetycznych

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Total protein and activities of: alpha-amylase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in haemolymph of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, naturally infected with digenean larvae were investigated. There were no any changes in these parameters in the snails infected with Cercaria tenuispina that occupies mainly haemocoel sinuses. Significant increase of activities of all examined enzymes in haemolymph of the snails infected with larvae belonging to the Furcocercariae group was ascertained. These changes were proportional to the degree of injury of the digestive gland, examined with the use of the thymol turbidity test. Total protein level was significantly higher only in haemolymph of snails with higher values of this test.








Opis fizyczny

s.179-188, tab.,bibliogr.


  • Slaska Akademia Medyczna


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