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2005 | 12 | 2 |

Tytuł artykułu

Evaluation of teeth loss among workers in the laminate and composite materials department of aircraft factory

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Liquid epoxide resins, solvents and solvent-modified epoxide resins, as well as hardeners for epoxide resins, appear to be skin and mucosa irritants of different intensity and possibly have allergenic properties. Therefore, it is required that the employees are qualified and industrial safety rules are followed when these substances are in use in the manufacturing process. Our study evaluated the state of dentition and analysed the loss of teeth in the workers of the laminate and composite materials department of aircraft factory. The research has been carried out in a group of 114 workers, which consisted of 88 men and 26 women 20 to 61 years old. The control group consisted of 41 workers of the administration department in the aircraft factory who did not have any contact with chemical compounds. The workers in the studied group are characterised as having an unsatisfactory state of dentition, as shown by the high rate of lost teeth (74%). Statistically significant difference between the studied group and the control was found when the relationship between the number of lost molar teeth in women in the studied group and those in the control group is taken into consideration, a statistically significant difference appears to refer to teeth 46 and 27. The same statistically important correlation between men in the control and studied groups concerns teeth 16. The research data shows that incisor teeth are the least frequently extracted teeth in the whole population studied. Statistically significant differences can be noted for teeth 21 and 23 between the women in the control group and those in the studied one. Future studies are necessary to assess the potential relationship between the loss of teeth among workers of the department of laminate and composite materials of aircraft factory and their workplace.








Opis fizyczny



  • Medical University of Lublin, Karmelicka 7, 20-081 Lublin, Poland


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