Badaniom w kierunku zawartości ołowiu, kadmu, rtęci, arsenu, cynku, żelaza i miedzi poddano 201 próbek miodu pszczelego pobranego na terenie całego kraju w latach 2001 – 2005 pod nadzorem Inspekcji Weterynaryjnej. Stwierdzone stężenia pierwiastków toksycznych (Pb, Cd, Hg i As) były niskie i nie stanowiły zagrożenia dla zdrowia konsumentów. Oznaczone zawartości badanych mikroelementów (Zn, Fe, Cu) były zbliżone do stężeń stwierdzanych w pracach innych autorów i nie budziły zastrzeżeń higieniczno-toksykologicznych.
During 2001-2005, levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc, iron and copper in 201 samples of bee honey were determined. Different techniques of atomic absorption spectrometry were used for the determinations. The mean concentrations of the analysed elements were: lead 0.037 mg/kg, cadmium 0.004 mg/kg, mercury 0.001 mg/kg, arsenic 0.003 mg/kg, zinc 3.28 mg/kg, iron 1.46 mg/kg and copper0.17 mg/kg. The results of this study indicate that the concentrations of the toxic elements (Pb, Cd, Hg, As) were generally low and were below the maximum admissible limits for those elements. The highest concentration among the toxic elements was found for lead. Nevertheless, the mean concentration (0.037 mag/kg) of this element was by one order of magnitude lower than the admissible limit value of 0.30 mg/kg. The concentrations of the remaining elements (Zn, Fe, Cu) were also well within the values specified by current hygienic standards. Our results show that the toxic elements at the concentrations detected in the bee honey are not dangerous to human health.