Scharakteryzowano 41 szczepów S. Enteritidis określając ich lekowrażliwość, typując bakteriofagami wg Ward, oraz wyznaczając elektroforetyczne profile plazmidowego DNA. Wyizolowane z ognisk zatruć pokarmowych w Polsce w maju i czerwcu 2001 roku szczepy S. Enteritidis będące przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania przedstawiają różne typy fagowe. Wszystkie szczepy posiadają plazmid o wielkości 57 kb oraz dodatkowo plazmidy swoiste dla ich typów fagowych. Zaobserwowano przypuszczalną konwersję szczepu o typie fagowym 21 do typu 1var.
Salmonella Enteritidis strains are the most often isolated Salmonella serovar in Poland. In the present study, phage typing, antibiotic resistance testing and plasmid profile analysis, have been applied to characterise 41 Polish S. Enteritidis isolates originated from human cases of salmonellosis and from other sources. The typing phages of Ward and colleagues scheme were used to type a total of 41 S. Enteritidis strains coming from Poland. All 41 strains were typable and 5 different phage types were observed. Among 41 strains tested, both PT6 and PT21 were recognized in the 15 strains (36,6%). Nine strains (22%) belonged to phage type 8. The others PTs were represented by small amount of strains (PT1var and PT4). Among all tested isolates only 4 different plasmid profiles were observed. Of the 41 strains investigated, 16 (39%) contained the 57 kb plasmid alone. The remaining 25 strains (61%) except 57 kb plasmid, possessed additional DNA particles. The probable phage type conversion of PT21 to PT1var strain, possibly connected with smaller DNA particle presence, was observed. This hypothesis needs confirmation. The real S. Enteritidis epidemiological situation in Poland should be known after introducing of systematic, annual research program.