The feeding ecology of the European wildcat Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 was studied by analysing 220 scats collected between January and December 1994 at Serra da Malcata Nature Reserve (Portugal). Feeding trials, carried out with a captive male and female, allowed the author to relate the dry excreted weight of prey items in the scats with the fresh biomass ingested. Rodents, particularly Apodemus silvaticus and Microtus lusitanicus, were the dominant component of the diet. Lagomorphs, mostly rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, were the second most heavily consumed item in terms of consumed biomass, being more preyed upon, in spring and summer. Although insectivores were regularly consumed throughout the year, this group only represented a small fraction of the total consumed biomass. Reptiles, especially species of Lacer- tidae, were the third most favoured quarry, with higher predator pressure in spring and summer. Bird remains were found at low levels throughout the year. Insects and plants were unimportant items in the diet. The wildcats feeding spectrum showed little variation throughout the year.