Internalizacja kosztów zewnętrznych transportu, tj. pokrywanie powodowanych przez środki transportu kosztów wypadków, zanieczyszczenia powietrza, hałasu, zatorów itd., jest konieczna dla swobodnego wyboru przewoźnika w warunkach rzeczywistego pokrycia całości kosztów. Spowoduje to zmiany w podziale zadań przewozowych (model split) dla poszczególnych środków transportu, w szczególności dla transportu samochodowego. Ponadto będzie miało istotny wpływ na gospodarkę zarówno w skali lokalnej, jak i krajowej.
Currently, transport cost calculation are disregarding external cost, i.e. the cost of affecting the environment (exhaust gases, C02 emissions, noise), accidents, traffic congestion, energy consumption, the use of land for infrastructure etc. These cost amount to sever percentage points of GDP. They are estimated at ECU 250 billion per annum in EU countries and 90% of that cost is road transport. The major cost generators are accidents and congestion. All fees and charges collected from transport companies are less than insufficient to cover the external cost. Thus, these costs must be internalised, which would mean charging transportation companies for all cost incurred. Passenger and freight should be controlled not so much by regulatory mechanisms but by fiscal mechanisms. However, this would entail higher cost of the service, restructuring of workload but also improvement of the economy. The role of road transport must be diminished in relation to rail services and (inland waterway transport for cargo) and public transportation should be enhances in urban areas.