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2007 | 34 | 3-4 |

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Iodine in animals. Part 2. Iodine in the food chain - Essentiality and toxicity


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Iodine is very quickly and almost completely absorbed from the skin and intestines. It is trapped and concentrated in the thyroid and converted there into organic iodine. During intensive follicle growth of laying hens (birds), the ovaries collect iodine same as the thyroid gland, it enters the placenta where it is incorporated in the fetus, and after birth iodine is accumulated in the milk. Thyroid, milk, egg, hair and blood vessels reflect the iodine status of animals (and man) best. Symptoms of iodine deficiency in ruminants, mono gastric species (and man) are considerably similar. A diet with < 100 µg I/kg food dry matter significantly lowered the feed intake of goats, depressed the growth rate, the success of first insemination and the conception rate, and significantly increased the abortion rate, the days of pregnancy and the mortality of the kids and their mothers. The weight of the thyroid increased 400 fold in the kids and < 250 fold in the adults. The thyroids of kids and mothers, blood serum, biestings, milk and hair decreased to a quarter or third of the normal iodine amount. All organs significantly reflect the iodine status of farm animals (milk, blood serum, thyroid, hair). After intrauterine iodine depletion, hairlessness is common. Adults suffer from infertility, and semen quality is low. Glucosinolates intensify the iodine deficiency symptoms same as selenium and zinc deficiency. Iodine overload exists in all species of farm animals (feed intake lowered, growth depression, sexual development slow-down, reduced ovulation and egg production, apathetic reactions, depressed immune status, increased thyroid). The toxic limits are > 5 mg I/kg feed DM in horses, > 50 mg in calves and sheeps, > 150 mg in chicken and 350 mg/kg feed DM in hens and pigs.








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  • Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, D-00743 Jena, Germany


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