Badano występowanie ESBL u 178 pałeczek Gram-ujemnych, u których wykazano przy zastosowaniu czterech metod: DDST, oraz trzech metod CD (z cefpodoksymem, ceftazydymem i cefotaksymem) wykazano brak wytwarzania ESBL. Zastosowanie metody CD z cefpiromem wykazało, że aż 47,5% z tych szczepów wytwarzało ESBL.
Gram-negative bacilli were examined for ESBL production by using four methods: double-disc synergy diffusion test (DDST), and three tests of combined discs with cefpodoxime, ceftazidime and cefotaxime alone and the same cephalosporins with clavulanic acid. Strains determined as ESBL-nega- tive with all these tests were examined by using fifth method with cefpirome. 47,5% from 178 negative in other methods strains, appeared ESBL-positive in this test. The examined strains belonged to 16 different species. Most of them were Enterobacter cloaceae, Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumanii. It seems that the combined discs method with cefpirome may be usefull for phenotypic detection of ESBL producing bacteria also in the case of strains where ESBL production is camouflaged with derepressed chromosomal AmpC beta-lactamases.