Liście pietruszki typu korzeniowego zawierały 81,16% wody i 247 mg/100 g witaminy C, a typu naciowego odpowiednio 83,64% i 186 mg/100 g. Proces suszenia w zależności od typu pietruszki i temperatury powodował straty witaminy C rzędu 13-33%. Bezpośrednio po suszeniu w 100 g suchej masy suszu stwierdzono 877-1029 mg witaminy C, po 6 miesiącach przechowywania 779-820 mg, po 12 miesiącach 611-762 mg, po 18 miesiącach 262-361 mg.
Leaves of two types of parsley (grown for roots or for leaves) were dried using conventional method at 40,60 and 80°C. Dried leaves containing 5% moisture were stored below 18°C in tight containers. Water, L-ascorbic acid and vitamin C levels were determined in fresh leaves and in dried material directly after drying and after 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 month of storage. Root-type parsley leaves contained 81,16% water and 247 mg/100 g vitamin C, and the values for leaf-type parsley leaves were 83,64% and 186 mg/100 g, respectively. Vitamin C losses in the drying process were lower for the leaf-type parsley leaves (13 - 14%) than for the root-type parsley leaves (22 - 33%), especially in the case of drying at 80°C. Immediately after drying, the content of vitamin C was 887 - 1029 mg/100 g d.w. of dried leaves, 779 - 820 mg after 6-month, 611 - 762 mg after 12-month, and 262 - 361 mg after 18-month storage. A gradual decrease of L-ascorbic acid content in vitamin C was also observed.