Administracyjno-prawne studium problematyki. Spojrzenie na planowanie przestrzenne z punktu widzenia samorządu terytorialnego. Istotne walory praktycznej przydatności rozważań. Analiza nowych problemów planowania przestrzennego, m. in. „suwerenności" planistycznej gminy i interwencjonizmu państwa w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej. Jedna z pierwszych w literaturze przedmiotu prezentacja nowego systemu prawnego planowania przestrzennego Polski demokratycznej. Krytyczna ocena nowych rozwiązań prawnych.
As a result of the changes in the political system in 1989-1990, the previous legal regulations on physical planning drastically contradicted the requirements of the market economy. There was an obvious need for change. Accordingly, on June 7, 1994, a new law on physical planning was passed. The law creates a system of physical planning which is different from the previous one. Pursuant to the law, a local physical plan is the basis for this system. The plan is a legal act which institutes universally valid regulations. Planning acts at a regional (voivodship) level and a national one are called conceptions and studies as well as government programmes. They are not universally binding. They include findings-offers addressed to local administrative units (gminas); through negotiations they are approved and incorporated in local plans. This entails, therefore, a complete change in the mechanism of implementing public goals with higher than local significance. It is based on the principle of negotiations rather than a directive. As a result of these transformations, the physical planning process involves equal partners: the state, gmina and citizen, and planning becomes above all a sequence of negotiations and consultations, and no longer an imposed directive.