Przeprowadzono badania fizyczne i chemiczne wody oraz osadów dennych pochodzących osadników składowiska odpadów Zespołu Elektrociepłowni KOGENERACJA S.A. we Wrocławiu. Wyniki analiz wód oraz osadów dennych wykazały, że odcieki ze składowiska nie przekraczają norm ustanowionych dla ścieków wprowadzanych do wód i do gleby.
The investigations were carried out during 2000 and 2001 years in area of the town Kamień near Wrocław, where is one of the slag heap with wastes from heat and power plant ZESPÓŁ ELEKTROCIEPŁOWNI KOGENERACJA S.A. in Wrocław. The aim of this work was to examine waters and bottom sediments from small river which is arround this slag heap. There were made analyses of phisical and chemical characteristic of water and bottom sediments, which include the heavy metals. The research waters had a high conductivity, much chlorides, sulphates, sodium and potasium. These waters were hard with high total hardness, calcium and magnesium. Concentration of heavy metals in water and bottom sediments was high, but there are not higher than level of wastes cleanliness.