The Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Personnel Training (CODK) at the Institute of Agricultural Construction, Mechanization, and Electrification first started making science films in 1967, to fulfill its own needs for the technical training of the Department of Agriculture managerial staff. A relationship of film titles to the Institute’s research was established in the final phase. Film became one to the methods of scientific research implementation. Films do net merely report on the research alone. They are directed according to a script, and present the official position of die Institute with regards to a studied machine, technique, or technology. In 1970, research using film cameras was started. Initial observations encouraged the use of film techniques in the research processes. We produce educational and research films on color 16 mm film, with sound in either Polish or foreign language, for the Institute’s own needs, for agricultural schools and universities, for Regional Centers of Agricultural Progress, post graduate schools, and agricultural training centers. Eighty four titles have been produced to date. Between 1967 and 1990 approximately 13.000 copies were distributed to agricultural schools and universities, Regional Centers of Agricultural Progress (WOPR’s), and other recipients. Eighteen studies were conducted in research processes. Their results were used in production of basic, constructional, and testing subjects at the Institute’s Research Facilities, at the Harvesting Machinery Manufacturing Plant in Płock, and at the Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Plant in Grudziądz. Research film materials were also used to produce educational films.