An experiment on the control of Rumex obtusifolius was carried out in Bukowiec (Western Sudety Mountains) from 1989 to 1993 . The herbicides: Asulox and Roundup, were compared in single and repeated applications and accompanied by liming, cultivation and surface seeding of a grass-legume mixture. The results obtained in the experiment show that in grassland heavily infested with Rumex obtusifolius, a single killing of mature individuals does not provide adequate control. There are many seeds in the soil which germinate and develop quickly in bare spaces producing a dense weed growth sometimes considerably more than before the treatment. The application of herbicides can easily destroy Rumex seedlings. A good development of grass-legume mixture can also influence unfavourably Rumex seedlings growth. In the last year of the experiment on the plots with cultivation and without herbicides (A₁B₃-B₅) there were 4 to 6 Rumex plants present, whereas on the control plot and plots with liming there were 16-17 Rumex plants. On the plots with cultivation and herbicide application one Rumex plant occurred on the area of 3 to 10m². A successful method of Rumex obtusifolius control at a high level of infestation is based not only on herbicide application and cultivation, but is always connected with sowing of grass-legume mixture, which allows to maintain good quality of sward.