The distribution of metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum grayii in a population of the larvivorous fish Aplocheilus panchax in a stream was studied during the period December 1983 through April 1986. No seasonality was noted in the flow of parasites through the host population; both the prevalence and density of infection remained high, with prevalence ranging from 81.2 to 100% and density from 6.0 to 145.2. Recruitment of the larvae into the host population occurred throughout the year and was independent of host size, maximum recruitment occurred during March 1986. This continuous recruitment together with the long life span of the larvae, resulted in an increase in the density of infection with increase in fish size. The frequency distribution of the larvae in the host population followed the negative binomial model at different times of the year, the parameter K value ranging from 0.38 to 1.04. The data indicated an increase in the degree of overdispersion with increase in fish size. No evidence was found for regulation of host population density by the parasite.