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Regiony dendroklimatyczne sosny zwyczajnej [Pinus sylvestris L.] w Karpatach polskich


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The dendroclimatic regions of Scots pine [Pinus sylvestris L.] in the Polish Carpathians

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Scots pine in the Polish part of the Carpathians shows a diversified annual rhythm of changes in size of the radial increments. It mainly results from a different susceptibility of trees to pluvial conditions of summer (June-August) and the air temperature during the autumn (October) preceding the year in which the annual tree ring is formed. The air temperature in the winter months (February-March) is the factor having the strongest effect on the variation of the increment rhythm of Scots pine growing in the entire area of the Polish Carpathians. The regions in which Scots pine exhibits a homogeneous rhythm of changes in the annual ring size have been named the dendroclimatic regions. They coincide with the physic-geographical and climatic regions. Pines in respective dendroclimatic regions of the Carpathians form a specific "climatype" distinguished by a different increment rhythm adapted to climatic conditions prevailing in a given area.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow


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