The iron and manganese concentrations were determined in the Norway spruce needles, growing within habitats of various ecological feature and under different impact of aerial pollution. The investigated sites were located in the urban and forest areas of the lowland part of Lower Silesia and within the Sudety Mts. The high variability of the iron concentration in the soils was correlated with soil pH. Concentration of manganese in the soil was less variable and not related to the soil pH. Relationships between iron concentration in the needle tissues and its soil concentration, as well as, soil pH were found. The concentration of magnesium in the plant tissue was related only soil pH, but did not related to its soil concentration. Higher concentration of iron and manganese was found in the spruce needles from the Sudety Mts., in relation to samples from the urban and forest lowland areas. Manganese contents in the Norway spruce tissue, depend on the complex ecological factors.