W oparciu o dane uzyskane z tygodniowego wywiadu żywieniowego, dokonano oceny sposobu żywienia grupy 50 kobiet, członkiń Klubu Kwadransowych Grubasów. Obliczono dzienne pobranie energii oraz podstawowych składników odżywczych, a uzyskane wyniki porównano z odpowiednimi dla badanej populacji normami żywieniowymi. Stwierdzono, że sposób żywienia większości badanych kobiet odbiegał od przyjętych zasad, szczególnie pod względem zbyt dużej wartości energetycznej dziennej racji pokarmowej. W przypadku wielu kobiet wykazano niewystarczające spożycie włókna pokarmowego, wapnia, magnezu, żelaza oraz witamin z grupy B.
The assessment of food consumption patterns of 50 female members, aged 21-68, who took physical activity in the "Quarter Fatty" Club was carried out. 34% of the women included in the study had a correct body weight BMI(25), while the value of BMI for the remaining women indicated the obesity of the first (46%), second (16%) or even third (4%) degree. Among the women included in this study 24-hour dietary record for one week was conducted. On the basis of the collected data, the daily intake of energy and basic nutrients was calculated. The results were compared to RDA proper for this population. It was found out that - due mainly to excessive intake of fat - energetic value of daily food rations was too high in the case of most of the women. In many cases the insufficient intake of fibre, calcium, magnesium, iron and B-vitamins was discovered. Discrepancies between dietary recommendations and the actual intake were particularly easy to notice among overweight and obese women (BMI >25). Although these women were aware of the rules of nutrition mode for people with excessive body weight, they failed to follow some of the recommendations due to above all their dietary habits and preferences related to flavour.