Frozen lung tissue sections from 2 healthy and 2 adenocarcinoma affected sheep were lysed in appropriate buffer. The two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of the protein lysates was performed. The resulting gels were visualised by silver and Coomassie Blue staining, then scanned and analysed using appropriate software. There was one spot present on the image obtained from the analysis of healthy tissue and no spot was found on cancer 2D gel image. The spot was excised and analysed using mass spectrometry. As a result, cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase was identified. In addition, several other protein spots of different intensity in neoplastic tissues, as compared with healthy ones, were found. The last finding reflects changes in protein expression in neoplastic and healthy tissues. These preliminary results can serve as the basis for more detailed investigations of the neoplastic tissue proteome, e.g.: isoelectric focusing in narrow pH range and analysis of correlation between tissue and serum protein profiles. The analysis of serum proteins from affected sheep can reveal markers of neoplastic process and help in preclinical diagnosis of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma.