Metoda˛ absorpcyjnej spektrofotometrii atomowej (ASA) oznaczono zawartość miedzi, cynku, manganu i żelaza w próbkach świeżych i przechowywanych w kopcu ziemnym przez okres sześciu miesięcy warzyw korzeniowych (marchwi, pietruszki, selera, buraka) z rejonu Lubelszczyzny. Sześciomiesięczne przechowywanie warzyw korzeniowych wpłynęło na wzrost zawartości miedzi i żelaza w korzeniach wszystkich analizowanych warzyw, natomiast manganu w korzeniu selera i buraka. Spadek zawartości cynku po sześciomiesięcznym przechowywaniu zanotowano we wszystkich badanych warzywach.
The aim of this study was to analyse the contents of copper, zinc, manganese and iron in the roots of carrot, parsley, celery and beet, fresh and after six month storage in the clamp. The beet root was characterised by significantly higher content of copper as compared with the carrot, parsley and celery roots, while the accumulation of zinc was lower in the root of the beet, and of manganese and iron in the root of celery, beet and parsley as compared with the carrot. The six-month storage of the vegetable roots in the clamp increased the content of iron and copper in all analysed vegetables, and of manganese in the roots of celery and beet. The content of zinc was lower after the storage in all analysed vegetables. The level of iron in all analysed vegetables (carrot, parsley, celery, beet root) was higher in the skin; the content of manganese was higher in the skins of carrot and parsley; that of zinc was higher in the skin of parsley, while copper level was higher in the skin of the beet root as compared with the parenchyma.