W pracy oceniono wpływ cymetydyny, EDTA, 4-metylopirazolu oraz etanolu i metanolu na aktywność dehydrogenazy mleczanowej. Badania przeprowadzono in vitro z enzymem otrzymanym z erytrocytów ludzkich.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; E.C. inhibitors and substrates: Cimetidine, 4-methylpyrazole (4MP), EDTA, ethanol and methanol on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; E.C. activity. The activity of LDH was spectrophotometrically determined in in-vitro prepared diluted hemolysates obtained from human erythrocytes with mentioned compounds at the concentrations 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 mM of Cimetidine, EDTA, 4MP and 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 mM of ethanol and methanol. The reaction was conducted at 37°C in pH 7.5 and changes of optical density was measured at λ=340nm. LDH activity was significantly inhibited by 0.10 mM (p<0.05) and 1 .OmM (p<0.01 ) of Cimetidine and EDTA. There were no observed any significant changes vcontrol in LDH activity when 4MP, ethanol or methanol was added to environment of reaction.