The investigations were carried out in the lacustrine-fluvial system of the Lizhma river (the Ladoga lake basin) in its natural condition (until 1993) and during the exploitation of its trout complex. The authors show the water bodies to increase their content of biogenic elements at the expense of the organic form. They mark some changes in the structure of algoflora. The abundance of alkophylic species of periphytone was found to increase, likewise the concentration of chlorphyll and the numbers of blue-green algae. The zooplankton community undergoes some restructurization in lakes; the role of predators in total biomass is growing. The biomass and numbers of zoobenthos have considerably enlarged. The structure and distribution pattern of invertebrates in the benthic community have changed in the pool part within the region of water discharge from the fishery farm. The ichthyofauna of the water bodies so far proves to remain stable.