Państwo ustanawia podstawowe standardy higieny i ochrony środowiska, kształtowanie jakości usług komunalnych leży w gestii samorządów lokalnych. Powinno ono być przedmiotem strategii gmin, a skutki przestrzenne - elementem analiz studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Kształtowanie standardu w wybranych dziedzinach usług może stanowić instrument koordynacji rozwoju całej infrastruktury technicznej gminy.
A quality standard of community services is understood to be a certain level of quality of services defined broadly as set of features meeting the needs and expectations of the consumer and the environment. Two categories of quality standards are differentiated: 1. National standards, introduced by the government and 2. Local standards to be decided by local governments. Developing community services quality standards is the process of identifying major parameters of services, assigning indicators and levels of meeting the target quality levels in any given time. Standards are applicable to parameters which are easily quantifiable. If a parameter is not quantifiable or difficult to quantify then using certified technologies or machinery to provide a service is often the only way to ensure good quality. National standards, established by the Government, may be obligatory (statutory obligation) or voluntary (standards, recommendations, procedures - not enforced by the law). Local standards may be: - Standards which are a compromise between limited financial or environmental capacity and the national voluntary standard; - Standards of a more stringent nature which a reflection of increased aspirations and/or economic capacity of local communities; - Local standards applicable to services of their components outside national regulation. Developing local standards is part of local economic strategy. Impacts on land-use planning should be monitored and incorporated into local physical planning studies. Presenting options and related impacts of different strategies is the responsibility of experts but making a decision to balance social, ecological and economic impacts is the responsibility of the local community. Developing quality standards of services and improving the community services sector may become an instrument of co-ordination for the totality of local infrastructure. It is vital that a systemic approach be adopted, one which monitors the interrelation of the various sub-sectors of community services and allows cross-financing of research and development. While developing local standards local governments will increasingly rely on partnerships with commercial service providers, who will be forced to render better quality service and to engage in market research in order to stay competitive.