Total mercury concentration was determined in sediment cores collected in 1980 from the Gulf of Gdansk (site P-2), Gdansk Deep (sites G-2 and P-10), and Bornholm Deep (site P-38). The method of mercury measurement was cold vapour flameless atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) after wet digestion of the samples with concentrated acid in all-glass apparatus. Total mercury concentrations were found to range between 1100-1900, 2.1-9.9, 2.4-3900 and 2.4-1800 ng/g dry weight in sediment cores obtained at sites P-10, G-2, P-8 and P-38, respectively. The upper layers of the sediment cores taken at sites P-2 (0-8 cm) and P-38 (0-1.8 cm) had markedly higher concentration of mercury than the deeper layers (10-30 cm and 1.8-15.2 cm, respectively).