W suchej masie i naparach 6 gatunków ziół (rumianek pospolity, lipa drobnolistna, skrzyp polny, melisa lekarska, mięta pieprzowa, dziurawiec zwyczajny) oznaczono metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej (ASA) Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu. Stwierdzono, że badane pierwiastki w różnym stopniu ulegają ekstrakcji do naparów. Wysoki stopień ekstrakcji do naparu wykazywał Ca i Mg, a niski Cu i Fe.
The aim of the study was the recognition of the contents and distributions of calcium, magnesium, iron and copper in 6 herb species (matricaria chamomila, tilia cordata, equisetum arvense, melissa officinalis, mentha piperita, hypericum perforatum) and in the herb infusions. The samples were digested using a microwave oven, and the elements concentration was determined by AAS method. The following levels of Ca, Mg, Mg and Cu in the herbs were determined: 6872-19802 mg/kg Ca, 4630-8530 mg/kg Mg, 149,9-415,6 mg/kg Fe and 15,15-24,64 mg/kg Cu. The values of extractions in the infusions of herb were as follows: 16,1-73,8% Ca, 14,4-37,3% Mg, 5,1-9,7% Fe, 13,1-21,8% Cu. This indicates, that a very small part of the iron can be potentially treated as a bioavailable fraction for persons, using plant drugs as infusions. One glass of infusion (250 cm3) contain elements in quantities corresponding to: 0,78-2,61% average daily dietary intake (ADDIs) of Ca, 0,76-1,36% ADDIs of Mg, 026-0,38% ADDIs of Cu and only 0,15-0,33% ADDIs of Fe.