The film shows, in a comparative way, the use of high speed filming method technique in the analysis of hydraulic press testing of the compressive strength of six samples of limestone and four samples of dolomite from various geological periods. The course of changes occuring during the process of testing of compressive strength was recorded with a Hyspeed camera at 400 frames per second, comparative counting of frames of individual phases was done with an analyzer manufactured by J. Hadland, slowing down the picture 25 times. Compared to the standard readout of results from a dynamometer integral to the hydraulic press, whose hand recoils after the tested materials’s failure, the use high speed filming method is much more advantageous, lenghening the time of visual observation and inspection and recording of details of the disintegration and propagation of samples fragments with varions dynamics, both in time and in space, until they come to final rest. The film method of quantitative analysis, i.e. counting of frames of individual phases, allows more detailed assessment of the properties of the tested sample and creates a wider, more universal scope of comparison, both between individual samples of a given type of rock, and between types of a given geological period. The conclusions have shown that these are not converging values, which depends on structure and texture, whose details were most differentiated during the process of fracturing and propagation of the sample. The use of the high speed filming technique is a principal assessment criterion within the scope of a wide range of obtaining qualitative properties. This facilitates the possibility of qualifying with respect to the most accurate suitability in appropriate brandies of the national economy. This corresponds to visual inspection of steel alloys fusing.