The objectives of the study were to estimate chosen effects (sex, color variety, farm and partitution) on body weight and hair layer hight characters as well as correlations between these traits. Furthemore, heritabilities of traits studied were also estimated. The research was carried on three reproductive farms keeping animals in four basic coat varieties: standard, Sapphire blue, Greenland and white. In the experimental group 919 young nutrias were included and the following steps were executed: – body weight was measured, – hight of underfur and guard hairs. Estimation of heritability was based on unitrait animal model. Standard errors of heritability estimates were approximated based on second order polynomials. The package program DFREML was employed. Correlation coefficients were estimated in the SAS system. Heritability estimates of hair traits were high. The highest estimate (h2 = 0.623) was obtained for lateral guard hairs height. The estimates of other three traits were slightly lower and ranged from 0.49 (lateral underfur) to 0.58 (dorsal underfur). Higher heritability was estimated for fur characters than for body weight. Linear correlations were estimated between all traits. Some of the estimates were close to zero. The highest correlation was recorded for the height of the same hair types.