Przy użyciu absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej oznaczono zawartość cynku w kości żuchwy i w zębach samic szczurów po usunięciu jajników oraz po zastosowaniu doświadczalnej estrogenowej terapii zastępczej. Niedobór estrogenów prowadził do obniżenia się poziomu cynku w twardych tkankach narządu żucia, w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Podawanie 17ß-estradiolu wstrzymywało proces demineralizacji związany z niskim poziomem estrogenów i powodowało wzrost zawartości cynku w materiale.
Estrogen deficiency appearing after menopause or ovariectomy leads to osteopenia and osteoporosis. Such conclusion has been confirmed by non-invasive examinations of the skeletal, maxillary and mandible bones and teeth. Demineralisation of the hard tissues was heretofore attributed to the loss of calcium and phosphorus, while the role of microelements (e.g. Zn) was not completely explained. This experiment attempts to explain zinc behaviour in the structure of the masticatory system when the level of estrogens is reduced. Female Wistar rats were used in the experiment. They were divided into seven groups as follows: CL - control, SH - sham operated, OV - after ovariectomy, OVO - ovariectomised rats which were injected oleum pro injectione, OVH1-OVH3 - rats receiving twice a week 3 different (1.25 µg, 12.5 µg and 125 µg) doses, respectively, of 17β-estradiol. Zinc level after ovariectomy was lower than in the control both in the teeth and in the mandible. The differences were statistically significant. Administration of 17β-estradiol to the ovariectomised rats produced a slight increase in Zn level. These results may suggest that ovarian estrogens play an important role in mineralisation of bones and teeth, and therefore, in post-menopausal osteoporosis prevention.