The distribution of Toxocara spp. eggs was studied in the Kraków city and nearby villages Grodkowice and Łążkowice. In Kraków out of 80 samples surveyed 30% were positive and the mean egg density was 3.7 eggs/100g soil. Court-yards and squares in the centre of the city were the most heavily contaminated areas (58% samples positive). In two nearby villages Toxocara spp. eggs were present in 16% samples examined and the mean egg density was 0.8 eggs/100g soil. Almost 90% of Toxocara spp. eggs recovered were infective. At least 80% of the eggs were classified as T. cati by egg's morfology.
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Krolowej Jadwigi 27/39, 81-871 Poznan
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