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Korytarz ekologiczny: przeglad problematyki


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Praca omawia znaczenie korytarza ekologicznego dla utrzymania ciągłości fizjocenozy. Dokonano przeglądu literatury światowej dotyczącej tego zagadnienia. Przedstawiono również próby zastosowania teorii ekologicznej i wyników badań empirycznych w praktyce planistycznej.
The ecological corridors, as well as the preservation of connection on the level of physiocenosis has become in recent years a kew problem in many scientific research and in various planning concepts. The authors of the article have given the examples of different attitudes to this problem presented in the world literature, pointing out to the practical indications resulting from these examples. Analyses have been performed on the importance of connection which is a condition of regular functionning of the physiocenosis. A background for these considerations was the theory of metapopulation which describes, in a best possible way, the functionning of population of animals in heterogeneous space. Attempts have also been made to answer the question what is the meaning of the ecological corridor. Many definitions of this term have been mentioned. The ambiguity of this term is due to a different understanding of the role of ecological corridor and to the theoretical attitudes taken by some ecologists. On the one hand, this is a holistic theory of physiocenosis, and, on the other hand, the theory of metapopulation. The structure of the ecological corridor and its functionning has been analyzed on the basis of numerous empiric data taken from the literature and from the own research of the ecologists. Attempts have been made to appraise the present way of understanding the role of ecological corridors in various planning concepts, taking into account the present state of knowledge on this problem and possibilities of various definitions of the role and importance of ecological corridors in order to maintain the continuity of the physiocenosis.








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  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, 02-078 Warszawa, ul.Krzywickiego 9


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