Dane o nakładach inwestycyjnych na środki mechanizacji w piętnastu gospodarstwach indywidualnych, skonfrontowano z danymi GUS odnoszącymi się do całego rolnictwa oraz gospodarstw indywidualnych w Polsce.
Capital formation amounted to 23 % of the gross domestic product in Polish agriculture in 1991. The share of mechanization means in total investment outlay in agriculture was 27,4 %. Value of outlays for farm machinery per 1 ha of agricultural land amounted 157,3 thousand zł for Polish agriculture in total. Capital formation on examined farms approximated 20 % of agricultural income in 1992. The share of mechanization in total investment outlay was 63%. Value of outlays for farm machinery per 1 ha of agricultural land for selected examined farms amounted to 726 thousand zł.