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Rola mikroelementow w uprawie buraka cukrowego


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Concentration of sugar beet growing areas and drastic decrease of the domestic FYM production means deterioration of soil supply with micronutrients and the same needs of their replenishment. In investigations performed over the network of 115 sugar beet control fields located across the country, micronutrient deficiencies-primarily boron, copper and molybdenum were stated. These are the micronutrients of crucial importance for sugar beet. Boron deficiency leads to decrease of sugar beet root yield even by 20%. At commonly occurring available boron deficiencies in domestic soils, boron fertilizer application to sugar beet appears to be necessary. Copper and molybdenum are the components of enzymes responsible for effective N utilization by plants and reducing concentration of detrimental N-α-amin in the beet roots. Fertilization with copper is an advisable procedure on soils rich in organic matter, where Cu availability for plants is limited. Significant impact of molybdenum application on saccharose accumulation level in sugar beet roots stated in experiments should be emphasized. Manganese and zinc deficits occur less frequently and they should be expected primarily under conditions of no-FYM soil management and soil reaction close to neutral.








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  • Instytut Uprawy, Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, ul.Sw. Macieja 55, 0-244 Wroclaw


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