The insect species that attack stored grain and products are highly specialised and successfully exploit the storage environment. Primary insect pests cause most of the damage to grain in storage or shipment. The secondary pests are mostly surface feeders on damaged grain or products in both, the adult and larval stages. Significant reduction of grain damage by insect pests can be achieved by application of modern integrated chemical, physical and biological methods. Recent physical and biological methods are becoming more widely recogniezd as alternatives or supplements to chemical pesticides for the control of stored-food pests. Different grain varieties and genetically modified cereals can contain in grain the compounds, for example, like the highly active proteinaceous inhibitors of insects α-amylase which may increase resistance to insects by disturbing theirs life functions. So far considerable research has been done on many aspects of stored cereals grain prevention. However, still much of the work should be done by interdisciplinary research teams in order to improve host-grain resistance to insect pests.