For a couple of years a number of inhabitants living in immediate vicinity of municipal dumping ground for Cracow reported repeatedly symptoms which could be related to disfunction of airways. During 2 days of hospitalisation thoroughful medical examination was provided for 50 persons living not further than 300 meters from edge of dumping-ground. In frames of the study FVC, FEV1, FEV25/75, RV%TLC and Raw were measured. Significantly higher number of subjects from vicinity of dumping ground than from the control group suffered chronic cough and expectorations. Significantly higher numbers of inhabitants had emphysemal changes and had worser patency of central bronchi. Obtained results confirm opinion that in humans lungs are not only way opened widely to all kinds of toxic substances present in inhaled breath, but also it is an organ very sensitive and vulnerable, easily damaged by asorted toxins present in air in even smaller concentration than regarded at present as safe. It should be postulated that major dumping grounds must have resonably wide protective zones.