The paper aimed at defining the specific biochemical parameters, as well as the use of treatment methods, according to types and intensity of the clinical signs of non-complicated hypophosphataemia in cows. The investigations were carried out on 300 HF cows in 15 herds in the Lublin Region. The mean milk yield in the herds was 36.8 ±2.8 dl. The cows were 3-9 years old and had a similar diet ratio. The animals with hypophosphataemia symptoms in the early stadium (2-7 d) were divided into three groups according to the intensity of clinical signs whereas the control group consisted of cows with no clinical signs of the illness. The inorganic phosphorus (Pi), total Ca, total Mg, K, Fe, total protein, Cu, bilirubin, FFA, and creatinine concentrations, as well as AST and AP activity, were determined in serum and plasma. The animals with markedly exhibited signs (recumbency and tremor) showed significantly decreased Pi, Mg, and FFA contents and simultaneously increased activity of AST and AP. In the group exhibiting minimal signs (group I), there were no significant disturbances in homeostasis except the low Pi concentration, so it was possible to use the specialised phosphorus preparations in the treatment. In the other groups (II, III), which exhibited more marked signs of the illness, it was necessary to improve the parenchymal organs functions in addition to phosphorus level normalisation.