The purpose of the work was to confirm the possibility of embryo transfer to protect offspring of leukaemic cows of high breeding value from infection with EBLV. The studies were carried out on 229 donors of embryos infected with the EBLV. Heifers free from enzootic leukaemia were receivers of the embryos. The disease was diagnosed both in the donors, receivers and new-born calves by the gel precipitation test or ELISA. From 152 donors 1390 embryos were obtained and only 676 (48.6%) were qualified as suitable. There were transfered 585 embryos resulting in 278 pregnant cows (the efficacy of the transfer was 47.5%). There were born 274 calves free from leukaemia and 4 died during parturition. The transferes and new-born calves were housed in isolation under conditions which protected them against EBLV. The studies showed that the transfer of embryos was an effective method allowing to get healthy offspring from leukaemic cows on condition that strict prophylactic measures during the operation and pregnancy and after calving were applied.