The moistening of habitats in which there are existing the foxtail meadows, were estimated with using the Ellenberg phytoindication method. The 118 phytosociological records, realized with using the Braun-Blanquet method in the Zamość Basin - were an investigational material. The mean values of moistening - F computed on the base species composition and percentage part of particular taxons in the ground cover - indicated that the foxtail meadows (in relation to moistening factor) were characterized by the widely ecological amplitude (F = 5,2-7,3). However, generally they occurred the borderland of fresh and damp habitats (F = 5,6-6,5). The foxtail meadows from the much more dry habitats (F = 5,2-5,5) connected by floral composition to the Arrhenatheretum elatioris association and from the much more moisture (F > 6,5) to the Phalaridetum arundinaceae and Caricetum acutae associations. Particular moistening variants are differentiationing by number of species - indicators of dry, fresh, humid and wet habitats and by their participation in ground cover.