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2001 | 48 | 3 |

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Stan badan nad oprzedzikiem pregowanym (Sitona lineatus L.) - szkodnikiem grochu

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Paper reviewed the literature dealing with the studies on Sitona lineatus that allowed authors to provide the information both, on the scale of damage caused by the pest in pea cultivation and on its biology. The methodology of assessing the number of Sitona lineatus imagoes and larvae was discussed. A description of agronomic, biological and chemical methods to control the pest was included. It was stated that the further research on Sitona lineatus should take into account not only the matters that have been studied so far but also a biological control and application of the newest pesticides.








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  • Instytut Uprawy Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, ul.Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Pulawy


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