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Epiphytic bacteria inhabiting the yellow waterlily [Nuphar luteum L.]

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Studies on the development dynamics and the physiological properties of heterotrophic bacteria growing on the surface of the yellow waterlily (Nuphar luteum L.) during the plants’ development cycle were carried out. It was stated that the number of the epiphytic bacteria is different in the examined sections of the plant. The number is higher on bottom parts of petioles and rhizomes but lower on the surface of leaf blades and petioles beneath the leaf blade. The number of the epiphytic bacteria oscillated between 0.54 x 106 and 37.85 x 106 cells per 1g of wet weight of the plant. The gram negative rods dominated among the epiphytic bacteria, the majority of which was slowly growing strains. Among the epiphytic bacteria the most numerous strains were those hydrolyzing fat, starch, and protein; the least numerous were the chitinolytic bacteria.








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  • Nicolas Copernicus University, Gagarina 9, 87-100 Torun, Poland


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