Callus cultures of Tabernaemontana persicariaefolia, (Apocynaceae), an endangered species endemic to the Mascarene Islands, were established from leaf explants on MS medium containing either 5 mg·l⁻¹ 2,4-D and 0.5 mg·l⁻¹ BA or 5 mg·l⁻¹ 2,4-D, 0.5 mg·l⁻¹ BA and 200 mg·l⁻¹ DFMO. Histological studies showed regenerating nodules resembling globular embryos in calli after 4 weeks on the DFMO medium. Green shoot formation was achieved by sequential subculture of the induced calli on media with gradually decreasing 2,4-D concentrations (5→1→0 mg·l⁻¹). Regeneration was greatly stimulated in the presence of DFMO. The first emergence of shoots occured 3 weeks earlier than in untreated callus cultures.