Badano wpływ mono glutaminianu sodu (MSG) na rozwój, intensywność i czas trwania zjawiska sytości sensorycznie specyficznej oraz pobranie energii u młodych osób obojga płci. Wykazano, że dodatek do makaronu z sosem 0,25% MSG nie miał istotnego wpływu na pobranie energii z tym posiłkiem, które było istotnie wyższe u mężczyzn niż u kobiet. Spożycie makaronu z sosem bolońskim bez lub z dodatkiem MSG wywołało zjawisko sytości sensorycznie specyficznej o podobnym natężeniu i czasie trwania u badanych osób niezależnie od płci.
The aim of this study was to estimate of effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on sensory-specific satiety (SSS) in young adults. The research was carried out on 30 people (15 women and 15 men). Subjects were rating of palatability of instant products with different sensory properties (pasta with bolognaise sauce, lemon jelly and fruit grits). Study consists of two stages: in first stage pasta with sauce without MSG was consuming to satiety and in second stage pasta with 0,25% MSG. In men, 2 minutes after consumption significant (p <0,01) decrease of palatability of pasta without MSG (25,6%) and with MSG (36,9%) was stated. In women only intake of pasta with MSG causes significant (p < 0,01) decrease of rating of palatability (30,3%). It was confirmed that intake of both types of pasta with sauce causes comparative intensity and time course (above 90 minutes) of SSS. No significant sex differences were found. 0,25% addition of MSG to pasta with sauce do not have significant effect on energy intake, which was higher in men.